Moroccan Winter Sun

Salam alaikum! 

Did you notice things were a little quiet in blogland? 

That's because my family and I escaped for a week to Marrakech, Morocco for a little winter sun. It was all in celebration of my husband's Aunt, who wanted to gather her nearest and dearest for al fresco dining in the Ourika mountains for her 60th birthday. Needless to say, as an architect, interior designer and all around fashionable lady, Auntie Lola's choice of birthday celebration was chic, stylish and utterly unforgettable.  

There's no way to blog about a holiday during British winter, without sounding like a smug holiday w*anker so apologies in advance for the humble bragging. If it helps it was FREEZING during the evenings and with a toddler and baby in tow there were no lie ins to speak of and plenty of airport meltdowns! (See, you feel better already don't you). 

Having being inspired by a gallery wall in our villa, I decided to take atmospheric photos of our holiday in black and white silver tone mode on my phone. You're either going to think my photos are pretentious or interesting! I don't pretend to have the photographer's eye, with a professional photographer as a best friend, I know real talent when I see it. My only talent is confidently using portrait mode on my phone! Slap a black and white filter on a picture and even my very basic photography skills suddenly look a little more professional! 

As we had little 'uns in tow, we had to be a lot more careful about where we stayed, so following some Mum's Net reviews we opted for Fawakay Villas, owned by English expats Francis and Dawn. As it was low season, we had the compound basically to ourselves and thoroughly enjoyed pretending that it was our forever home. With this being my fourth visit to Morocco it's safe to say I  am a BIG fan of the people, food, art and aesthetics of this beautiful country. I basically walked around with a mental checklist of all the design features I'd like to incorporate in our house in England! I loved Dawn's use of traditional Berber shoes on the wall! Dawn and Francis were themselves incredibly fascinating, they moved to Morocco 18 years ago, with three kids in tow, buying a bit of waste land that they have lovingly designed over the years. They did this whilst also fitting in having a fourth child, the lovely Ziggy! 

On arrival we were greeted by Brian the dog, two friendly cats and Norman the resident donkey (who wanders around free range). As an animal lover, I adored the villa's animals who really added to the experience. We were warned to shut our doors as Norman has a habit of wandering into the villas! 

Being only a four hour flight away it's amazing how different somewhere that feels so near can be! What keeps bringing me back to Morocco is the architecture, every aspect of Moroccan life feels like an expression of art. From the Berber crafts at the Souks (markets) to the mosaics typical to the riads, the city of Marrakech is a living piece of art work. 

As you might have guessed my wardrobe was made up entirely of second hand goodies and it was the first time I truly felt like I packed appropriately. I'm often guilty of not packing enough, having some misguided notion that I'm a 'real traveller,' if I only take carry on luggage?! As I'm now a mom, that silly theory was upended, as you literally have to pack everything but the kitchen sink when little 'uns are in tow. My entire weeks clothes did however fit into my carry on luggage! Before the trip I spent £10 on an orange hippie felt hat originally from Urban Outfitters and some next orange clogs which were around £8 both off Vinted. You'll be seeing the hat all the time so get used to it as I bloody love it! 

Have you even been to Morocco if you don't try the mint tea?! I don't know how they make it but my gosh it is my favourite thing to have (alongside the tagines), I'm already missing it! 

I'm particularly chuffed with this outfit as it was so comfy, I'm wearing a polo neck courtesy of my sister, a skirt I found on Vinted and chunky sandals I got for £5. The sunglasses were £2 and also from Vinted. In January, Morocco can be very cold until it's warmed up during the day, averaging around 14 degrees. This outfit was warm enough for our exploring whilst being cool enough when it did eventually heat up.  

I did manage to take a few pictures in colour, here's my airport outfit for on the way home! 

Don't ask me what I'm doing with this pose?! My husband said I look straight out of the 70s in this picture which I obviously took as a compliment! In the first photo my mom thought I had a Kate Hudson vibe which I LOVE obviously, because any vintage lover worth their salt loves Kate Hudson's character Penny Lane in 'Almost Famous.' I was 100% channelling Penny Lane in this outfit! 

Well my lovelies, it's definitely back to reality, my baby is crying and I think my toddler is almost out of nap time! I've got a fabulous 'Getting to the Bell Bottom of it' interview coming soon and hopefully will be able to show you my purchases from Morocco once I have them up on the wall. 

Both hubby and I are looking at property in Morocco, talking about the dream of opening up our own holiday villa but hey, despite the dreaming, it is lovely to be back in the UK, especially as it looks as though Spring is well and truly on the way! 

Hope you have a lovely week, darlings! 

Love Soph 



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