Magic lessons, Slow tech, 70s dresses and thrifty gardening!

I've deleted Instagram off my phone and I feel pretty giddy about it. The fact this admission seems like a big deal is telling of how much I needed that confounded app gone! 

The catalyst for this digital cleanse has come from several places, the first being a friend of mine who started to notice the negative impact it was having on her self esteem and her reflection on her usage. Having never felt like I had a problem using social media and also never having 'detoxed,' I guess my curiosity was piqued. What would life look like without the aimless scrolling, how would I feel not knowing what a stranger in Australia was eating for breakfast, or what a boho influencer was wearing when home-schooling her kids? I'm a pretty robust individual, but I have found myself examining the lines on my face after seeing someone my age, apparently line free on Instagram. I also noticed that I felt insecure if a friend didn't text me back immediately, but was active on Instagram - had I annoyed them, was I boring, did they not want to be my friend? 

The final nail in the coffin so to speak, was listening to an illuminating podcast episode on the Ellen Fisher Podcast about the impact of social media and smart phones on our kids. Far from scaremongering or shaming parents, the episode explored the impact of social media on young minds and offered solutions about how to navigate this murky new world of parenting in a digital age. 

So here's the overview: 

Not No technology but rather, Slow Technology. I'll log on to Facebook to share this blog, or check out market place but otherwise that's it. I've not set a date to return to Instagram, I'm just taking it day by day. I love blogging and as it doesn't have the same instant validation of Instagram and is an outlet for my writing I feel like this is a good example of slow technology! 

I want to model behaviour for my kids by being more present, that means more getting our hands dirty in the soil of our garden, or out in nature having family time. Less eyes glazed staring into the black mirror of a phone screen or TV, (I don't think TV is evil, I love television, I just think everything in moderation). 

Here's what I've discovered already: 

Based on the number of times I've absentmindedly picked up my phone to check Instagram post delete - I absolutely had a problem. I was 100% using it for a dopamine hit during the day, when I needed a mental break from my kids. It was a reward from the hardships of parenting, which means I was absolutely looking at my phone waaay too much in front of my girls, (no shame to parents who do use their phones a lot - I get it, it's so addictive)! In the few days I've been Instagram free I've gardened, written more of my novel, played more with my kids and feel much more grounded. 

I hope this feeling continues! 

So here's what we've been up to this first week of May: 

Vintage clothes have been flying out of my Vinted store this week, its been so exciting wrapping up the parcels and thinking about the fabulous people my treasures will go to. It was hard to say goodbye to this gorgeous 70s wrap dress and the hippie dress from Zara - I was tempted to keep! I always send a little note to my customers wishing them joy, abundance, health and good memories in the clothes they've purchased, I love thinking about the clothes bringing them luck! 

I had a rare evening out on Sunday with my work friends (who've become mom friends and now friend friends)! You can't see my entire outfit as I was rushing out to get to the pub on time but I'll probably wear this outfit again for an evening out I'm having this week so stay tuned! I'm wearing my thrifted boho top from Zara, Monki jeans from Vinted and you can't see my orange next clogs (vinted) and my necklace from Marrakech! 

If you love the 90s cult classic 'Practical Magic' starring Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman then you'll love the author behind the film, Alice Hoffman. I practically pounced on this book in the library when I realised it's the prequal to practical magic and oh my gosh Hoffman doesn't disappoint. I've hardly noticed the disappearance of Instagram thanks to this book. Alongside Sarah Winman, Hoffman is absolutely the writer I want to be - her characters feel real, her storytelling is seamless (you feel a part of their world) and her writing is succulent. 

Please excuse the very real, very cluttered kitchen worktop in this picture! I wanted to show you my little thrifty hack for growing seeds! If like me you're constantly watching the pennies, then you'll love recycling soya milk cartons to be planters! Best of all once you're done, rinse them out and then pop them in the recycling box again. Me and my girls have spent a glorious few hours sewing tomato, pumpkin, courgette, cucumber and miscellaneous seeds. 

I'm also pleased to report the veg bed made by me, (literal blood, sweat and tears), is finally being utilised. My eldest daughter helped me sew strawberries and kale in there this morning. 

Nothing to see here, just my favourite second hand dress, Vinted clogs and my gorgeous youngest (you'll have to take my word for it)! The warm weather has definitely helped bring my cooking mojo back. These healthy muffins are simply mashed banana, oat flour (just ground porridge oats from Aldi), maple syrup, dark chocolate pieces (I love Aldi's Mosser Roth salted dark chocolate bars), baking powder, rolled oats and salt. That's it! Utterly delicious if I do say so myself!

I give you - the first lunch eaten outside in the garden - wohooooo hello summer :) 
This was a simple salad with red cabbage and grated carrot added, then drizzled with balsamic vinegar and the absolute millennial staple of avocado on toast. A thoroughly enjoyable lunch gobbled up by all! 

Until next time. 

I wish you joy, abundance, good health, and good memories! 


Soph x 


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